Priti S Parikh

Occupational Therapist

Consultant Occupational Therapist & Certified Sensory Integration Therapist. Focused on doing assessment for children impacted with Autism, ADHD & Developmental Delay. Educating parents on how to handle the child giving them home programs and sensory diet to keep the child regulated throughout the day to improve their attention and focus.

Trained in “hand-writing without tears” & “structured teaching in the classroom”. This enables me to do hand-writing assessment and providing strategies in the classroom to improve child’s writing skills. Works on improving Gross Motor & Fine Motor skills of the child which helps in them honing up the balancing and coordination

Conducts workshops for Therapists, Teachers, Parents & Special Educators to recognize & understand Sensory Behavior among students with Autism, ADHD & LD.


  • Occupational Therapist

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